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May your year be filled with wholesome goodness, one cup at a time. Savour the celebration with the delicious taste of Dairyland's Lactose Free Milk—Here's to a fresh and festive start! 願您的新一年充滿美好活力,Dairyland 無乳糖牛奶,每一杯都洋溢著健康滋味,伴您迎接嶄新而喜慶的開始!

Lunar New Year Limited Edition Packaging

Celebrate the Lunar New Year by embracing good health with Dairyland’s easy-to-digest Lactose Free Milk. Inspired by traditional New Year couplets, we share our heartfelt wishes with this limited-edition design.


Dairyland 無乳糖牛奶,健康美味好消化,伴您迎新過好年!這款限定版包裝靈感來自傳統新年對聯,讓我們用這份心意,送上最真誠的祝福

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